SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-02 18:30:00 +0000
014: The birth of Vali and Sugriva

Jaya Guru Datta

We discussed that Ahalya, the mind-born daughter of Lord Brahma, was exquisitely beautiful. Her beauty had left Indra, the Lord of heaven, and the Sun-god Surya fascinated. Although they wanted to marry her, Brahma offered her in marriage to Maharishi Gautama, who was engaged in deep penance.

Deeply infatuated by her, Indra, assumed the form of Maharishi Gautama and stealthily visited her. Although Ahalya was aware of his true identity, due to her fascination that he was the king of the Devatas, she sinned. Through sadhyogarbha she gave birth to a son named Vali. (Sadyogarbha means instant birth). Now this boy was surprisingly in a vānara form.

Sun-god Surya who observed all this now stealthily approached Ahalya. This time too, despite recognizing him, she was trapped due to her infatuation for him and she sinned. This time she gave birth to a vānara called Sugriva.

Maharishi Gautama who completed his austerities and returned was surprised to see the two vānaras at home. ‘Who are these vānaras and what are they doing in my home?’- he questioned. Finding a suitable time when her mother was away from home, Anjana, who was very young, revealed to her father that these vānaras were the sons of Indra and Surya.

She said, ‘Even as the Gods were talking to my mother, these vānaras appeared’. Maharishi Gautama now used his supernatural power of divine vision. He could see all that had happened. Enraged, this great saint immediately cursed Ahalya, Surya and Indra.

In the Bala-kanda section of Valmiki Ramayana, this story has been explained differently. What we are listening is the story as contained in the sacred text Paraśara Samhita. There are many who refrain from reading Paraśara Samhita fearing that some harm could befall them as a result of reading it.

While cursing his wife Ahalya to transform into a stone, Maharishi Gautama asked her to mediate upon Rama, stating that He would, during his incarnation on earth relieve her from the curse. He initiated her into the Rama mantra. Immediately thereafter Ahalya turned into a stone. Without Ahalya, Gautama Maharishi was bereft of help in raising his offspring and was weighed down with these responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Vali and Sugriva, who heard Gautama angrily cursing their mother, took to their heels, disappeared into the forests and began to live there. One morning Vali saw Anjana and in anger cursed her, ‘It is because of you that we brothers have reached this pitiable condition. Therefore You too turn into a vanara like us’.

We do not know what power his words contained, but instantly Anjana transformed into a vānara. Seeing the condition of his daughter, Gautama’s dejection further intensified. Days passed by. One morning, Maharishi Nārada arrived at the ashram of the saint. Maharishi Gautama narrated all his woes to Nārada, who then suggested as follows,

‘O saint! In the absence of your wife how can you run the house and raise the kids? Anyway, do not fear. Send your son Shatananda to King Janaka’s court. Let him complete his education there after which he will become the royal priest for the king’.

Let us continue tomorrow.

Jaya Guru Datta
