SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-02 18:30:00 +0000
013: The birth of Kesari

Jaya Guru Datta.

We discussed that desirous of obtaining a child, Kashyapa and Sadhya went to Mount Kailasa and undertook severe austerities to please Shiva. The intensity of Kashyapa’s austerities can be understood from the fact that the Fire-god and Wind-god arrived there and served him personally during that period. Pleased with Kashyapa’s penance, Lord Shiva manifested before the couple in a five-faced form and asked them to choose any boon. The old Brahmin requested, ‘O Lord, please take birth as my son’. Laughingly Shiva said, ‘This birth of yours is already drawing to a close. In your future birth, I shall take birth as your son. I shall be known as Hanuman’.

Hearing this, the Fire-god and Wind-god who were standing there also desired that the Lord should be born as their son and hence they too requested the Lord. Shiva laughed and said, ‘So be it’.

Time passed by. Brahmin Kashyapa was reborn as Kesari, the king of Vānaras and his wife Sadhya was born as the daughter of Maharishi Gautama and wife Ahalya and was named Anjana. She was extremely beautiful and charming.

Kesari was no ordinary Vānara. He was the king whose territory spanned 16,000 mountains. He was the best among the Vānaras. He would meditate in the mountains and would always offer protection to the sages engaged in penance.

In those days, the torture inflicted by the mighty demon Shambasādana, had made life miserable for saints. The Devatas approached Brahma seeking to know the method by which this demon could be eliminated. Lord Brahma said, ‘Only the Vānara Kesari has in him the ability to kill this demon’.

Now the sages collectively approached Kesari requesting him to kill the demon to which he obliged. Maharishi Nārada who was witnessing all these developments, approached Shambasādana and updated him with the happenings.

This story is full of twists and turns. You must listen attentively. Only then Hanuman’s lineage will be clearly grasped. Not otherwise. Although full of twists, it is the detailed account of his birth.

Demon Shambasādana was angered that attempts were made to eliminate him. He forthwith rushed to fight Kesari. This was the opportune moment for which Kesari had been waiting. Gladly he accepted the Shambasādana’s challenge and in the ensuing combat effortlessly killed the demon, leaving the Devatas gaping at his valour.

In those mountain ranges there lived a Vānara couple named Kunjara and Vindhyavali, who seeking progeny were meditating upon Shiva. The Lord manifested before them and said, ‘You both are not destined to have progeny. However I am blessing you with a daughter who will be obtained by you through adoption. Due to this girl you will obtain unlimited fame’- saying so He vanished.

Anjana was the daughter of the couple Gautama and Ahalya. They also had a son named Shatananda. The same girl Sukanya (who had jeered at Wind-god previously) was reborn as Sadhya in one birth and as Anjana in the subsequent birth.

Ahalya, the mind-born daughter of Lord Brahma, was exquisitely beautiful. Her beauty had left Indra, the Lord of heaven, and the Sun-god Surya fascinated. Although they wanted to marry her, Brahma offered her in marriage to Maharishi Gautama, who was engaged in deep penance.

Let us continue tomorrow.

Jaya Guru Datta.
