SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-02 18:30:00 +0000
012: Sukanya gets cursed

Jaya Guru Datta.

We discussed that unable to hold the intense radiance, Fire-god handed over the same to his friend Wind-god.

Time flew by and the time period known as Radhantara Kalpa commenced. Although he was a celestial, Wind-god Vayu, began to bend forward and slowly move due to the intolerable heat within him which was causing him excruciating pain. One morning, when he was thus struggling and walking on the Vŗshabha Mountain, a Gandharva (celestial) maiden named Sukanya happened to pass by. That maiden, who was full of youthfulness and pride, observed Vayu struggling to move forward. Amused at what she thought were his antics, she too began to walk like him. Heckling him, she began to jump about like a monkey.

Strange are the plans of the Supreme! Vayu, who was already suffering, was infuriated when he observed this girl heckling him. He was about to curse her, when with his divine vision, he observed some special, unique inexplicable brilliance in her.

Immediately he retorted, ‘Hey young maiden! You take delight in heckling me. You will have to withstand this intolerable radiance which I am struggling to carry. Beware!’ Hearing these words, Sukanya laughed loudly. In a teasing voice she said,

‘Although being a man, you are struggling like a pregnant woman. It appears as if you will deliver a baby in a day or two. Why will I ever have to carry this weight which belongs to you?’

Her teasing taunt caused Vayu to be further enraged. He yelled, ‘Do not jump about like a mad monkey. Very shortly you will take birth on earth. Although you will be born a beautiful girl, you will transform into a monkey in that birth. At that time you will willingly take this burden from me and carry it although it will be difficult for you’. Whether this was a curse or a boon, it was impossible to say. However, Sunkanya took his words very lightly and laughing loudly she went away.

Let us now understand how Sukanya got caught up due to Vayu’s curse.

A short while after this incident, Sukanya’s lifespan in the celestial Gandharva-world came to an end. She was then reborn on earth and named Sadhya. She grew up and married a Brahmin named Kashyapa. This holy couple led a life of penance and strict austerities. Many years passed by, however they did not beget any progeny. Desirous of obtaining a child, they went to Mount Kailasa and undertook severe austerities to please Shiva. The intensity of Kashyapa’s austerities can be understood from the fact that the Fire-god and Wind-god arrived there and served him personally during that period.

Often in Puranic stories, it is mentioned that due to the effect of a person’s penance, flames emerge burning down the creation. It explains the intensity of the penance.

Pleased with Kashyapa’s penance, Lord Shiva manifested before the couple in a five-faced form and asked them to choose any boon. The old Brahmin requested, ‘O Lord, please take birth as my son’.

Laughingly Shiva said, ‘This birth of yours is already drawing to a close. In your future birth I shall take birth as your son. I shall be known as Hanuman’.

Jaya Guru Datta.
