SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-02 18:30:00 +0000
011: The Devatas find it hard to withstand Shiva’s radiance

We presumed that with the death of Gardhabhasura, the Devatas would have obtained permanent relief. However, it was not to be so. It was a temporary relief and once again harassment from demons resurfaced. For those who are predominantly filled with goodness (sattva), such troubles are recurrent.

We discussed that tormented by demons the Devatas sought refuge in Lord Brahma, who, led them all to Lord Shiva seeking His help. Accompanied by all of them Shiva now went to Badarikaśrama and beseeched Maharishi Nārāyaṇa to save the Devatas from demon harassment.

Maharishi Nārāyaṇa however said that this work could be accomplished by Lord Shiva alone! Drawing a little of the divine radiance from each of the Devatas, including Lord Brahma, Maharishi Nārāyaṇa placed the collective radiance in Shiva’s hand, who, without a second thought gulped it down!

Seeing this, Maharishi Nārāyaṇa was immensely pleased. ‘O Devatas! Your desire is going to be fulfilled shortly. A vānara, who has in him the aspects of all the Devatas (deities) is going to be born from Shiva. Through him, destruction of demons as sought by you will be accomplished. Rest assured’. With this assurance, the Devatas peacefully returned to their abodes.

A little while later, Lord Shiva accompanied by wife Parvati was leisurely wandering on the Vŗshabha Mountain, which is located in the Tirupati mountain range. Even in those ancient eons, that mountain was highly populated with monkeys. Seeing a monkey couple, the holy couple Shiva and Parvati were amused. Immediately they transformed into monkeys. Exactly at that moment, the divine radiance of all the Gods, which was concealed within Shiva, suddenly emerged out and entered Parvati.

The intensity of that radiance was intolerable! As Parvati found it extremely difficult to carry it, she handed it over to Fire-god Agni. Even Agni found this radiance unbearable and hence handed it over to his friend Wind-god Vayu.

Although Vayu too found the radiance intolerable and although he suffered enormously due to its intensity, he somehow carried it for many days. The term ‘days’ in celestial calculations spans many yugas (eons) as per human calculation.

Time flew by and the time period known as Radhantara Kalpa commenced. Although he was a celestial, Wind-god Vayu, began to bend forward and slowly move due to the intolerable heat within him which was causing him excruciating pain. One morning, when he was thus struggling and walking on the Vŗshabha Mountain, a Gandharva (celestial) maiden named Sukanya happened to pass by. That maiden, who was full of youthfulness and pride, observed Vayu struggling to move forward. Amused at what she thought were his antics, she too began to walk like him. Heckling him, she began to jump about like a monkey.

Vayu, who was already suffering, was infuriated when he observed this girl heckling him. He was about to curse her.

Let us continue tomorrow.
