SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
010: Shiva gulps down the radiance of all the Devatas

Jaya Guru Datta.

Let us now move ahead with our story and figure out how Hanuman came to be known as the son of Shiva and Parvati.

A little while after the death of demon Gardhabhasura, the Devatas were once again harassed by demons. Unable to tolerate this agony, the Devatas begged Lord Brahma to help them out. Lord Brahma took all the Devatas and reached the abode of Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva, accompanied by Lord Brahma and all the Devatas, then reached Badarikashrama. Desirous of bringing to an end to the harassment faced by the Devatas in the hands of the demons, Lord Shiva prayed to Maharishi Nārāyaṇa who was none other than Lord Maha-vishnu himself.

Maharishi Nārāyaṇa said to Lord Shiva, ‘This task has to be executed by you alone’. Attracting a little of the divine radiance from Brahma and from all the Gods who had assembled there, Maharishi Nārāyaṇa placed it in Shiva’s hand. Without any questions, Shiva simply gulped it down.

Shouldn’t Shiva at least enquire what was given to him and the purpose behind it? His behaviour is comparable to those who visit the homes of others and gulp the coffee there without even trying to figure out the name of the host. Don’t we know of potential bridegrooms who go to see the girl and who, instead of seeing or talking to the girl, silently eat the savouries offered before returning?

Maharishi Nārāyaṇa had placed limitless energy in Shiva’s hand; this radiance had been drawn from all the celestials there. Without verifying the purpose for which it was placed in his hand, Shiva gulped it down. Agreed, he is all-knowing but yet is it not in compliance with the normal practices. He is comparable to devotees who visit temples for the sake of prasadam. They do not even wait to identify the dish. All that matters to them is that it is edible.

As soon as it is put in their hands, they pop it into their mouth without even casting a glance at it. To them, barring food nothing else can ever be prasadam. The Kumkum, angāra, vibhuti (holy ash), sandal paste or basil leaves are not prasada in their eyes.

During the time of churning of the ocean, the terrible Halahala poison emerged. Even at that time, Shiva gulped the poison without cross-verifying whether it was edible or not.

Jaya Guru Datta
