SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
009: Considering Vishnu and Shiva as different is sinful

It is Hanuman who incarnates as Datta, isn’t it?

We discussed that upon Gardhabhasura’s death, Srihari manifested in his original form. At that moment Shiva manifested there and said, ‘henceforth I am your servant’.

Lord Vishnu replied, ‘O Shiva, you are the Lord of the universe. How can you become my servant? My devotion towards you alone enabled me to conquer this otherwise invanquishable demon. Otherwise, how could I ever kill this demon who had procured mighty boons from you? I am just another devotee of yours. If you accept that my devotion surpasses that demon’s devotion it is adequate. Why then do you unnecessarily address yourself as my servant?

It is sinful for me to consider you, the universal Lord, as my servant. In reality, I am your servant. However, your word should not turn false. Hence when, for the purpose of killing Ravana, I incarnate as Srirama, you take birth as Hanuman and offer services to me’.

Shiva happily agreed to this. He said, ‘Whenever you incarnate as Rama, I shall take birth as Hanuman and will serve you’. Lords Vishnu and Shiva lovingly embraced one another. Now do you understand the reason for the deep reverence that Rama had for Hanuman in the story of Ramayana?

Seeing the oneness (non-dual existence) between Shiva and Vishnu, the Devatas were elated. Considering Vishnu and Shiva as different is sinful. Understand this deep truth that they are the same essence. Considering them different is an insult for devotion itself. If Vishnu devotees refuse to step into Shiva’s temple, they will head for hell, that’s all. They are sinning. The same rule applies to Shiva devotees who refuse to enter Vishnu’s temple. When every sacred text authoritatively proves their oneness, how can you, who have now taken birth as humans on earth, declare otherwise? Is it right to fight for such reasons? Should we all not live in unity?

Even to this date there are people who claim, ‘I am a staunch devotee of Vishnu’. Ok, while his devotion is truly appreciable, his subsequent adamancy, ‘I will not even walk on the road before Shiva’s shrine’ is unacceptable.

Let us now move ahead with our story and figure out how Hanuman came to be known as the son of Shiva and Parvati.

A little while after the death of demon Gardhabhasura, the Devatas were once again harassed by demons. Unable to tolerate this agony, the Devatas begged Lord Brahma to help them out. Lord Brahma took all the Devatas and reached the abode of Lord Shiva.

Jaya Guru Datta
