SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
007: Pride causes the person to abandon meritorious deeds

Vishnu wanted to prove his devotion by killing the demon Gardhabhasura in the very presence of Lord Shiva. Shiva reciprocated by declaring that if this were to really happen, he would remain a servant to Vishnu. As said before, remember that Shiva’s promise was for the well-being of the universe.

Lord Vishnu replied, ‘O Lord, both Gardhabhasura and myself are your devotees. However, as a result of his innumerable heinous sins, his protective armour called devotion can no longer protect him’.

There are people who, on the strength of their worship, austerities, penance, rituals, Yagnas, charitable deeds etc., get uplifted to higher levels. The sad part is that upon scaling thus to higher levels, they abandon the mantra, the austerity, the Guru or the God who was responsible for their success. This is the outcome of their pride in their achievement. The net result is that gradually their merit balance (punya) depletes.

Just as accumulated wealth depletes when we draw from it daily, this merit balance too depletes. In order to ensure that our accumulated wealth remains intact, we must keep investing and adding newer capital into it. Similarly due to mantra chanting, or performance of good deeds or engaging in japa or homa or any such good activity, you earn some merit. Upon earning that merit, you must not forget the fundamental discipline which helped you reach these heights. This is where many go wrong.

Lord Vishnu continued, ‘Yes, undoubtedly Gardhabhasura is your devotee. But then, of late his devotion towards you has decreased substantially. His arrogance in his achievement has caused him to now harass other living entities. This has eroded his devotion and the protection that devotion offers.

O Lord, your oath has now doubled my devotion towards you. With the help of this doubled devotion, I am confident of killing that demon. Now I shall show to you my valour. Just watch’.

Roaring loudly, Vishnu departed from there. Before reaching the spot where Gardhabhasura was living, He transformed into a beautiful, sensuous damsel. Pumsā mohanānga roopāya- Lord Vishnu is second to none in beauty! This is declared in all our Puranas and other texts. His form is enchanting and divine. It has the ability to attract towards itself every object and every living entity in creation! His beauty is beyond imagination and beyond description.

Gardhabhasura was eagerly awaiting Vishnu’s arrival, for, he wanted to vanquish Vishnu in battle. However, upon seeing the exquisite beauty in front of him, he forgot everything. Forgetting even himself and his body he stood staring at her in awe.

Let us continue tomorrow.
