SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
006: The story of Bhasmasura

Story thus far: We have discussed that Shiva pleaded helplessness in helping kill demon Gardhabhasura as he was his dearest devotee. Angered with this, Lord Vishnu vowed that He would kill Gardhabhasura in the presence of Shiva and thereby prove that his own devotion to Shiva was far greater than the demon’s devotion. ‘On the strength of my devotion towards you and with total focus on that devotion I shall kill the demon’- vowed Vishnu. ‘If you are successful, I shall become your servant’- vowed Shiva. In this context, we were discussing the story of Bhasmasura.

We discussed that Lord Shiva granted demon Bhasmasura the boon that the person on whose head the demon would place his hand would be reduced to ashes. By no means this boon can ever be declared meaningful. The demon could have sought monarchy over some land/ world and granting that would be meaningful. But here he had asked something dreadful that would harm others.

Bhasmasura’s plan was to go and place his hand over the head of great saints engaged in righteous austerities, fire sacrifices, Yagnas and the like. Let us assume he had gone ahead with his plan. What would have been the outcome? He would have gone all around the world reducing everyone to ashes. Then he would have proceeded to heavens and killed everyone there. What would be left? He would remain alone in the creation! In what way would that benefit him? It was a meaningless desire.

Bhasmasura, the wicked demon, wanted to test the efficacy of the boon by placing his hand on Shiva’s head. He now chased Shiva. Shiva ran to the abode of Brahma seeking help. Hearing the details of the boon, Brahma panicked. Forget helping Shiva- he was now scared for his life! He too ran along with Shiva. Both of them ran to Vishnu, who however did not panic.

Shiva giving boons without any forethought was not new to Him. More often than not, it was He who would help Shiva in such circumstances. So immediately He transformed into a most exquisite, enchanting female- Mohini.

Bhasmasura, who was of demonic traits, was totally captivated by the alluring form of the damsel standing before him. Mohini began to perform the most-wondrous dance. In great delight, Bhasmasura began to match His steps seeking to please her. For a long time they danced trying various new dance forms. Bhasmasura perfectly imitated every step of Mohini. When they were thus engrossed in their dance, Mohini placed her hand upon her head. The demon too placed his hand upon his head. He was burnt into ashes! Shiva then profusely thanked Vishnu for the timely help.

Let us see what happened in this context of Gardhabhasura.
