SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
005: Shiva vows to become Vishnu's servant if Gardhabhasura is killed

Lord Vishnu vowed, ‘Fixing my mind totally upon my devotion towards you, I shall, on the strength of my devotion, kill that demon in your very presence!’

Hearing this amusing story, we presume that an altercation broke out between Lords Vishnu and Shiva due to a demon. Understand that these are divine transcendental sports! It is foolish to presume that the Lords differed with each other. This story should also not be treated as a light humorous one. A deep hidden significance is contained within every aspect of this incident. What is meant by three attributes (trigunas)? What is true devotion? – these concepts are highlighted wonderfully. Furthermore, this incident teaches us about Shiva’s nature. What could be the profound significance behind the seemingly-casual statements made by Vishnu and Shiva? What is meant by destroying this demon? Try to delve into the hidden significance contained. Supreme spiritual essence is embedded within this story!

We discussed that Vishnu took an oath to kill the demon. ‘O Mahadeva! Hear what I say. You have given refuge to a demon. My devotion however far surpasses his. I am therefore going to prove my devotion. You want to excuse all his atrocities merely because he happens to be your devotee. I shall, on the strength of my devotion towards you, kill him in your very presence’.

What should Shiva have done under such circumstances? He should have gracefully replied, ‘Ok Vishnu. Go ahead and kill him. After all he is a demon who troubles others. I cannot kill him for he is my devotee. But you are permitted to do so. To kill the demon who harms the world and its inhabitants is perfectly correct approach. I will remain neutral’.

Now, Shiva did not act as we expected Him to. His reaction is a perfect example of how Devatas (Gods) get trapped in seemingly simple situations. HIs reaction leaves us confounded. But as the story goes ahead, we realize that Shiva willingly got trapped so as to ensure our well-being! Gods argue and fight each other purely in order to ensure the well-being of the universe! It is to uplift the living entities. Understand this clearly. It is wrong to ridicule ancient Purana stories terming them crazy without delving into the hidden facts! Let us proceed with the story.

Hearing Vishnu’s pledge, Shiva instantly stood up. All the celestials were apprehensive that He would curse Vishnu. A few of them presumed that a combat would break out between them. Remember, a war between these two Gods has never happened and if at all it happens, it is not out of personal enmity but for the welfare of their devotees and the universe.

In this instance Shiva instantly stood up and said, ‘If at all you successfully kill that demon, then I shall become your servant and serve you obediently!’ This was Shiva’s pledge.

This is another twist. Shiva vowed to become Vishnu’s servant! His innocence has earned him the name Bhola Shankar. He commits without thinking. Why did He have to make such a mega promise? But yet, we have heard such stories in the past. Don’t we know the story of the demon who performed some austerities and easily obtained a boon from Shiva that the person on whose head he placed his hand would be reduced to ashes? Is this any meaningful boon? What was the outcome of that boon? The demon wanted to verify the efficacy of the boon and so, he immediately chased Shiva desiring to place his hand on the Lord’s head. In despair, Shiva had to approach Vishnu for help. Do you know that prior seeking Vishnu’s help, this Lord had approached Brahma?

Let us continue in the next episode.
