SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-07-06 18:30:00 +0000
004: Argument between Vishnu and Shiva

We were discussing the story of demon Gardhabhasura who was needlessly harassing the Devatas and the inhabitants of other worlds. Lord Vishnu’s various attempts to subdue him turned futile and He approached Lord Shiva seeking solution to the problem. However, Lord Shiva refused to harm his devotee.

Hearing this, Lord Vishnu was deeply angered. He screamed, ‘O Parameshwara! At times, you offer refuge to tamo guna (traits of ignorance, laziness etc.) and appreciate the demons. At other times, you offer refuge to the traits of passion (rajo guna) and wander leisurely with Kouru-devi. There are times when, offering refuge to the traits of goodness (sattva guna), you preach Supreme Essence (tattva) to the Maharishis. What can be said of these actions, O Lord? At other times, abandoning all traits (nirguna) you reside in your original form!

What to say of your actions O Supreme Lord? Your sports are bewildering and astonishing. You support both the demons and the Devatas (celestials). Furthermore, you also support those entities who remain in-between these two classifications. While at times you support those enveloped by the three attributes (trigunas), at other times you abandon the attributes and remain situated in your original form.

Whatever it may be, remember that I eternally remain your devotee and am untouched by your actions. After all, they are your sportive plays. Why should your strange activities cause wavering in my devotion? I should be pleased that you exist within all the trigunas. Instead of taking pride that my Guru and my God has appeared in this new form and is exhibiting this strange behaviour, why should I allow suspicions to rule my mind? If I begin to doubt your actions then I can no longer remain a true devotee of yours.

But O Lord, while I am your true devotee, you claim that Gardhabhasura is superior to me in devotion. O Lord, I have come here to seek your help. For innumerable eons I have been worshipping you. O birthless Lord! No one is aware of your origin and your ending. Your location is also beyond the grasp of others, O all-pervading one’.

In this way, Lord Vishnu let out His grief and then, in that state of anger, took an oath, ‘O Lord, I pledge that I shall prove to you that Gardhabhasura cannot match me in devotion towards you. Fixing my mind totally upon my devotion towards you, I shall, on the strength of my devotion, kill that demon in your very presence!’

Hearing this amusing story, we presume that an altercation broke out between Lords Vishnu and Shiva due to a demon. Understand that these are divine transcendental sports! It is foolish to presume that the Lords differed with each other. This story should also not be treated as a light humorous one.

A deep hidden significance is contained within every aspect of this incident. What is meant by three attributes (trigunas)? What is true devotion? – these concepts are highlighted wonderfully. Furthermore, this incident teaches us about Shiva’s nature. What could be the profound significance behind the seemingly-casual statements made by Vishnu and Shiva? What is meant by destroying this demon? Try to delve into the hidden significance contained. Supreme spiritual essence is embedded within this story!
