SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 20 Dec 2020
003: Hanuman has in Him aspects of Vishnu and Shiva

What is the most wondrous aspect of Hanuman’s essence? In every Treta yuga (the second among the four yugas or eons) a new Lord Śrirama emerges. However, Hanuman is the same across all time periods! Isn’t this astonishing?

After Rama’s incarnation comes to an end, time passes by. In the next yuga Lord Krishna incarnates. During the course of time, that set of four yugas (catur yuga) comes to an end. A new set of 4 yugas (eons) commences wherein again the Supreme Entity incarnates initially as a fish (Matsya), then as a tortoise (kurma), boar (Varaha) and, after a few such incarnations, once again during Treta Yuga He incarnates as Srirama. However, Hanuman does not incarnate again. He remains the same across all time periods. This incarnation of Shiva is eternal and hence this Lord is addressed as Chiranjeevi. No one can replace Hanuman!

Whenever Lord Śrihari incarnates as Śrirama, Hanuman, who otherwise remains invisible, takes on a visible form and, assuming the role of a servant, serves Rama obediently. This is astonishing but true! Keeping Parāśara Samhita and other authoritative ancient texts as the basis, when the story of Hanuman which appears in the Ramayana is deeply scrutinized, this aspect of His becomes explicitly evident.

On an in-depth study of the meaning contained in the name ‘Ānjaneya’, it is clear that this Lord has in Him the aspects of both Vishnu and Shiva. From this, it is proven that Lords Vishnu and Shiva have a non-dual existence. They are both one and the same! The incident of His birth proves this decisively. Let us therefore understand this incident in greater detail.

The killing of demon Gardhabhāsura (Gardhabha means ass).

Previously, demon Gardhabhāsura, who was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, obtained many boons from that Lord. Having turned conceited due to the boons, he began to harass the inhabitants of all the worlds. Lord Vishnu’s various techniques to destroy him failed due to the mighty boons bestowed by Shiva. As a last resort, accompanied by all the Devatas (deities), Lord Vishnu approached Lord Shiva and beseeched Him to show a way by which this demon could be eliminated.

At times people turn haughty due to boons conferred upon them. At such times, only Lord Shiva can destroy them. In this instance, at the request of Lord Vishnu, Shiva thought for a minute and then, addressing Vishnu said,

“How can you ever conquer him, for, he is my dearest devotee? Barring torturing Devatas, he abides by righteous conduct (dharma), doesn’t he? I will never cause any harm to my devotee. I will never let him down’.

Hearing this, Lord Vishnu was deeply angered. He screamed, ‘O Parameshwara!’
