SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 20 Dec 2020
002: Significance of the name Maruti

Let us now understand the significance of the name ‘Māruti’.

‘Marut’ means ‘wind’. As the son of wind, Hanuman is addressed as ‘Māruti’. The word ‘Marut’ also refers to the ‘Devatas’ (deities). As Hanuman has in Him the energies/ aspects of all the deities, He is ‘Māruti’. ‘Ruti’ means sorrow. As the dispeller of sorrows, He is ‘Māruti’.

Just as wind blows but remains invisible, this Lord blows away the sorrows of those who remember Him and causes their sorrows to turn invisible. For this reason, when sunk into deep troubles we call out ‘O Māruti, O Lord, let our difficulties that are as huge as mountain vanish without a trace’.

‘Ruti’ means ‘sound’. ‘Ma’ means ‘Goddess Lakshmi’. As He produces the auspicious sound of Omkara, He is ‘Māruti’. It can also be interpreted as- ‘The mantra (sound, ruti) chanted by Mother Lakshmi (Ma) is Māruti’. As He is none other than Lord Vishnu himself, He is Māruti.

Thus, from such analysis it is evident that His fundamental essence is incorporated within these three names. Within them all His primary energies/ aspects are covered. Such is the importance contained in a name!

For instance, when we say ‘Satya Harishchandra’- the name itself reveals to us that due to abidance to the vow of truthfulness, he has a mind that looks upon everything with coolness like the moon and that he is calm like the moon. For the reason, elders often rebuke us to remain truthful to our name. When our actions are contrary to our name, they chastise us.

If we desire to understand Hanuman’s essence in greater detail, it is imperative to delve into His life story. In the Sundara-kanda and Uttara-kanda sections of Srimad Ramayana, Hanuman’s story is elaborated. At various points of time, many supreme Mahatmas from various regions beginning from Maharishi Valmiki and Tulsidas, have described in very great detail the glory of this Lord as perceived and as understood by them. Glories of this Lord are found in all languages.

What is the most wondrous aspect of Hanuman’s essence? In every Treta yuga (the second among the four eons) a new incarnation of Lord Śrirama emerges.

Let us continue in the next episode..
